This morning, hb suddenly announced that we will be going camping today at East Coast Park. It has been amonth since we bought the new camp and 2 sleeping bags, so i guess it's time to make use of it aye?
There weren't time for any preparation, so i just grabbed whatever i have in the cupboard for snacking. It's always like that. Hb should have given me an advance notice so that i could prepare some yummy lunch to bring along. *kabish*
We reached there about noon. Imagine how hot it was! Gosh.. I was burning all over. The kids turned rosy after a while. And it was worst inside the camp! No ventilation at all. So much for wanting to take a nap at the breezy beach. Aihhh..
This was the first time i have ever pitched a tent. Pretty easy i must say. Hee.. Probably coz hb was there helping or rather, the other way round! Lol.
Nevertheless, it was fun and definitely something new for all of us.

Our very first tent
Shuoze and i. *peace*

Vainpot me in my new MNG sunnies :P
Rosy cheeks babies

My fav photo =)
i like that grumpy baby pix!!! So fierce...scare scare!!!
Tsk tsk.. u should have seen his normal grumpy face. Worst than this! Comes with mean eye contact too! lol
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